Everything in blogs matter. If you have written a perfect article and explained everything in a very good manner but its layout is dull and ...
Everything in blogs matter. If you have written a perfect article and explained everything in a very good manner but its layout is dull and old and inconvenient for people to find out what they want, then you should have think on it.
Many new comers launched their new blog but due to the language problem they are unable to solve their problems and used to ask from blog experts to help them. In this case they are searching for different tutorials on ‘How?’
As a new blogger I learnt many things which I used to change on my own way, so I think to redesign them and share with bloggers. This will be my first article on blogger and obviously it will be a little trick. But let’s start.
Now what the new comers face about changing the body text is very common. You have to change a little.
How to change the text of body post
Enter in to your dashboard.
Click Template>edit html>proceed
Now press ctrl+f . Search for .post or .post-body
Here you will see something like this
.post-body {font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; color:#333}
You can change the values you want. Change the font-family or font-size or you can add different styles like
For adding line height
Add in the brackets. line-height:2.00;
{font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; color:#333; line height:2.00}
Change the font style
For adding font styles like bold and italic you need to add this.
font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;
{font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; color:#333; line height:2.00; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;}
What if you didn’t find the code
If you are sure that code isn’t present in template then do as direct.
Press ctrl+f and find this code
Just before this add this
.post-body {font-family: Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif; font-size:14px; line-height:2.25;}
Now make the changes as you wish.
I hope this tutorial will help you a lot.