Meta tags are very important part of website’s html code. They are used as a part of html code but usually they are not visible on the page....
Meta tags are very important part of website’s html code. They are used as a part of html code but usually they are not visible on the page. They play an important role in describing a web page. In short they summarize your web page to the crawlers and spiders. A good webpage is considered to be the one who has a relevant meta keywords and crawlers can easily identify the nature of the website through these keywords. Moreover a proper meta tags help the crawlers to index the page more efficiently. Here is the screenshot of meta tags example. Let’s see how meta tags play an important role in indexing your article/post on search engines.
Anatomy of crawlers
Crawlers have very unique anatomy. If your website has robot.txt file, it is good. The crawlers will first look into robot.txt file. They will find out the permissions you have granted to spiders and then they will explore your website. If you haven’t make a robot.txt file it will not make a problem. Crawlers will crawl definitely but they will not reach to the destination very well. Robot.txt file is a kind of channel through which they get the directions. So the robot.txt file should be uploaded as soon as possible if you haven’t done it yet.
Meta Tags
Meta tags are called as page optimizations. Basically there are two types of meta tags. One is called Meta keywords and the other is called Meta Description. Now a days some top companies like Google concentrates on meta description. They extract the information using your meta description. Thus meta description plays an important role in describing a website. SEO also use meta description in order to describe the website. This description summarizes the whole website. In some cases it describes the Niche of the website as well. If ozynetwork is a tech blog so the example of meta description of will be
Why meta description is important?
Meta description improves your SERP rank. The major purpose of the meta tags are to allow search engine crawlers to index your site/page on the basis of keywords. If you have written an article based on technology and your meta tags are supporting your article through the keywords, the crawlers will index your article in a short time of period and allow it on different search engines. As much as your articles resembles to the keywords, the better results you will get.
What is SERP?
SERP stands for “Search Engine Result Page”. Correct meta tags improve your SERP ranking. It will get higher rank if your materials and your keywords are based on meta tags. For getting better SERP ranking, you have to carefully design your keywords.
What More!
Meta tags have nothing to do with your website. It is a hidden description which is only readable and viewable by crawlers and spiders. However they are very important in improving your websites. Concentration on two main meta tags like Meta Description and Meta Keywords are important. Meta Author, Meta Language and other related meta tags are secondary targets through which we can optimize our website more efficiently.